Production & Industry

BFC Online Screening Service – BMDB CINEMA
  • 2020-09-02
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Busan Film Commission has launched BMDB CINEMA, an online screening service for the purpose of archiving films and video contents produced in Busan as well as of giving chance to watch Busan films. Through this service, BFC would like to further support local production while grasping local human resources within film and media sector.

You can watch 117 contents of film and videos including films screened Independent Film Festival Busan and Fly project works via this platform. Busan City of Film would like for all of you to enjoy Busan’s amazing works in your safe and comfortable place

For more information, please visit the link below!

Busan Movie Data Base, BMDB
Busan Movie Database(BMDB) is the online based service system, which was established to build network among local human resources in film and media field. BMDB is composed of the web platform(website) and the mobile platform(SNS application). Through web platform, it provides a number of services – individual info service based on Busan’s local human resource DB and film info service with useful information needed for film production in Busan. Meanwhile, the mobile platform offers community service as well as real-time information via smart push function.



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Film Festival Community Network UCCN