Production & Industry

Busan Rising Filmmaker Film Production Mentoring Program
  • 2021-06-01
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As a part of ‘2021 Local Film Network Hub Support Program’ funded by Korean Film Council, Busan Independent Film Association is now looking for Local Filmmakers who would like to join [Busan Rising Filmmaker Film Production Mentoring Program] organized together with Busan Cinema Center Film Academy and Cinefork, a Film Culture Co-op.


It aims to find new film colleagues within the city, making a new leap forward for Busan City of Film from a cultural perspective.


1. Requirements

- Those who have lived in Busan for at least a year as of the date of announcement

- Rising filmmakers with experience in making short films (Those who have no experience in making feature films)

- Those who are able to participate in this program diligently with selected scenarios


2. Key Program

- Program 1. Special lectures and mentoring in each production part

- Program 2. Producing films together with local filmmakers

- Program 3. Establishing Busan-based Network with participating filmmakers.


This project is conducted in the local level. 


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Film Festival Community Network UCCN