Production & Industry

FLY2024 Participants Recruitment Announcement
  • 2024-05-29
attached :

The Busan Film Commission is looking for the participants for the Korea-ASEAN Next Generation Film Talent Development Program: FLY2024.

🔊 BFC is seeking talented individuals for a short-term film production training program. We look forward to your interest and participation.

❗ All expenses covered, including airfare, accommodation, and meals.

✔ Number of recruits:

2 individuals from each of the 10 ASEAN countries + Korea (Total 22 recruits)

✔ Application period:

2024.05.30 ~ 06.05

✔ Training period:

2024.10.30 ~ 11.13 (14 days)

✔ Training location:

Vientiane, Laos

✔ Inquiries:

FLY Coordinator, Busan Film Commission


🔎 For more details, please refer to the official announcement on the Busan Film Commission's Instagram account (@busan_film_commission).​​ 


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