Production & Industry

​FLY ASEAN Next Generation Directors Film Screening
  • 2024-08-02
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The Busan Film Commission, in collaboration with the ASEAN Culture House, is hosting the <FLY Beyond: ASEAN to Korea 2024> film screening from July 30 to August 4 as part of the 'Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Project'!


This film screening is a special opportunity to see new works by creators from the ASEAN region who have grown through the 'Korea-ASEAN Next Generation Film Talent Development Project (FLY),' which is operated with the Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Fund.



1)Reconstructing Family

2)Alien Planet

3)You in Fantasy


Discover similarities in our concerns through excellent works that include selections from prestigious film festivals and embody the unique cultures and issues of ASEAN countries.

Date: July 30, 2024 (Tue) ~ August 4, 2024 (Sun)

Venue: 4th Floor Auditorium, ASEAN Culture House (162, Jwadong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan)

Ticket Information:

All seats are free!

Online pre-reservation available on 'Eventus' from July 15 (Mon)

Reservation link:



We hope this screening will be a great opportunity to understand and show more interest in each other. We look forward to your interest and participation! 


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